PPG Meeting Minutes – 03/12/2024

Posted by: Macaulay - Posted on:

PPG Meeting 3rd December 2024   5pm


Dorota Choi (DC) – Practice Manager

Monique Luciano (ML) –  Deputy Practice Manager

Dr Cliona O’Connell (COC)- GP

Patients:  JK, DL, MS

Apologies:   JD, DS, NM, GM

3 patients attended the meeting, 2 in person and 1 via teams.   Meeting was advertised on the website and within the surgery with posters and flyers for 2 weeks prior.  Emails also sent to PPG members.   

  1. Aim and Objective of PPG Meeting:

Overview given on purpose of PPG for both the practice and PPG members to work collaboratively with suggestions to improve services and facilities.  

  • Copy of the ‘PPG Terms of Reference’ was provided to each member: 

Particular reference was made to point 3.1, ‘Electing a Chair M ember’.   It was decided that this is something which can be discussed at the next meeting once we have built on the group and more members participating.    

It was also decided by current members that interval between meetings would be every 3 months.

  • PCN Access Meetings:

Following the recent surveys for patients to complete (as requirement from ICB), two meetings were arranged by the PCN on 4th & 5th December for the results to be discussed.

Members felt that whilst they would have liked to attend, unfortunately due to short notice from the PCN and time of meetings, only 3 members were able to commit (1 who attended our PPG and 2 with apologies).  However, there were suggestions in terms of access to additional services which could be considered as a benefit to both patients and surgery.  

Additional services included:   Paediatrics Clinic – Health Visitors & Community Nurse, STD clinics, Men’s Health – Community Urologist & PSA (Also felt a campaign to support would be useful), Mental Health / Psychologist & ADHD Hub.

Initially is was agreed DC would present these at the meeting on 4th Jan hosted by the PCN. However, as the meeting was not managed by ourselves with the primary focus on discussion of patient survey results, it did not allow for DC to bring additional items to the agenda.  

However, at the next meeting there can be further discussion on how/where to present on behalf of the PPG.

Overall patients were satisfied with the appointment system in place and felt from experience, access to getting a GP appointment was satisfactory.

  • HUBS – Additional Services Explained:

Some members were aware of the ‘Community Pharmacist / Pharmacy First’ service, but felt more information is made available to build patient awareness.  Agreed information to be prominently displayed in surgery & added to website.

General feedback was staff are knowledgeable to signpost effectively to other services where appropriate.  

Next meeting date to be arranged.